
The call for contributions is open to all persons from near and far who are interested in the topic of the conference. By persons we do not only mean teacher–researchers but also professionals, users/recipients/clients/trainees and students. The REFUTS Annual Conference 2018 resolutely addresses itself to a larger public and – in allusion to Bruno Latour’s book (1999) about the relation between science and politics – tries to “make science enter day-to-day world”.

In reaction to the limitation of presentation time to 15 or even 10 minutes (discussion included) within international conferences, the organizers of the conference aim at re-establishing thorough argumentation by giving contributors all the time to develop their subject matter. Furthermore, much space shall be granted to discussion. Thus, a great amount of time will be provided for different types of contributions.

Contributors are strongly encouraged to place an important emphasis on highlighting the binary coding processes and their effects (consequences) on different people or “categories” of people throughout different scales (relations between social workers and users/recipients/clients, relations between organizations and users, etc.). Similarly, we encourage participants to produce papers that focus on reflections or examples of strategies/approaches intended to “suspend”, “liquefy”, or creatively “play with” binary coding.

Special attention will also be paid to the originality and creativity of the contributions. Hence, the call is open to proposals which, for example, dare to transgress the “traditional” disciplinary and sectoral divisions and/or open up avenues for reflection on “innovative” approaches. In addition, contributions that highlight the work of binary coding / fractal differentiation (Abbott, 2001) in their spatio-temporal dimensionality are just as welcome as those that focus on the replication of certain binary coding’s in different domains (migration, health, labour, housing, schooling, etc.).