- Free cancellation possible until 1 day before arrival. In case of any cancellation after this date or in case of any no-show without cancellation, we will charge the entire stay. We do not accept cancellations by phone. If necessary, please cancel your reservation by fax or e-mail. Kindly note that reservations will only be binding when the hotel has received the number of your valid credit card, together with the expiration date and CVC code. NB: The same credit card will be requested upon check in!
PLEASE NOTE: At your arrival you have to leave a caution of 50 Eur. It will be refunded at the end of the stay.
Bookings must be done before 13th of may.
Adress of the Hotel:
28, Avenue de la libération
L- 1930 Luxembourg
Tél : +352 48 99 11